How it Works 

While private sector entrepreneurs play a vital role in renewing our economy and social entrepreneurs invent new solutions to pressing social challenges, democracy entrepreneurs are key to revitalizing and reforming the health of our nation. All new industries need support, and democracy entrepreneurs require funding, technical support and networking to scale ideas, facilitate systems change and build the movement that will drive meaningful change. Our organization will support them with the following:


Connect Leaders Though the Democracy Entrepreneurs Network (DEN)

The Democracy Entrepreneurs Network (DEN) will unite emerging entrepreneurs across a range of issues for peer learning and support. We plan to organize them for collective impact, systems change, and movement building to advance larger, longer term goals for reform of our democracy. Entrepreneurs will have a dedicated platform to communicate with one another, access resources, and share updates about their work. Unlike social entrepreneurs, who work on a variety of issues, democracy entrepreneurs ultimately are all working towards a similar goal: To make our democracy more participatory, robust, functional and just. Therefore, it is important to hold regular convenings for community building, shared learning, and larger collective strategy development for maximum impact. The DEN while convene as a whole once a year and gather regionally at least twice annually.



Everybody Votes Action Coalition

The Everybody Votes Action Coalition will bring together a set of democracy entrepreneur organizations working on voting to develop a coordinated strategic plan focused on 2020.  This plan will utilize expertise from a diverse group of entrepreneurs to identify shared strategies to enable collective impact and systems change. The ultimate goal of the Everybody Votes Action collective will be to engage with as many eligible voters as possible to boost turnout across the country.



Reframe the Democracy Conversation through a Locally-Relevant Democracy Index

Democracy Entrepreneurs will develop an annual Democracy Index that will measure key democracy indicators such as voting, ballot access, money in politics, gerrymandering and local media availability. The Democracy Index will rank all 50 states and 3,000 counties in America and will serve as an annual measure of how America is doing in building a more robust, fair, and inclusive democracy.


DEN Members

Check back soon for information.